Apartments Miara - Fam. Insam
Val street 20 | 39047 S. Cristina in Val Gardena - Italy
Tel.: +39 0471 786250 Fax.: +39 0471 781395 | Mobile +39 333 4313000
E-mail: | Web:
Winter 2015/2016 - Prices on request!
Summer 2016 - Prices on request!

We remind you that as from 01.01.2015 a 'temporary visitor' tax will be levied on all stays in accommodation establishments (valid for our category) of 1,10 € per person/per day. (Except children up to 14 years)
The prices are per apartment and week for 4 people and include: electricity, gas, free Wi-Fi connection, bed linen, towels, final cleaning, parking lot etc.
The final cleaning is included, however we beg you to leave the apartment clean. Thank you!

On the day of arrival the apartment will be available around 1 p.m., on the day of department the apartment must be vacated until 9.30 a.m.

Reservations are considered binding upon receipt of a down payment. The down payment will be withheld as compensations for cancelled reservations. Please pay your stay cash because we don’t accept credit cards.

Bank coordinates: Cassa Raiffeisen Val Gardena-Società Cooperativa – Via Meisules 211 I-39048 Wolkenstein/Gröden Italy
                         IBAN: IT 93 O 08238 58890 000300001562 SWIFT - BIC/CODE: RZS BIT 21055